ADHDer looking for additional work


While I own my own business (two actually), there’s a couple of morning to early afternoons a week where I don’t work and looking at filling my time with some sort of part time job as a better alternative than sleeping in way too late. None of my businesses are really a position where spending MORE time on them is beneficial.

In terms of what skills I have, lawdy. I’m a qualified communications technician, have plenty of experience in steel fabrication (one of my businesses is building bespoke strongman equipment), a bit of experience working tree carcasses, have the equivalent of a diploma in electronics engineering (and currently run classes teaching people to solder at BMS), plus years of experience in digital fabrication. If it’s anything to do with those above skills paths, including PCB design, operating a CNC or CAD, I have experience with it.

Basically, if it involves me making stuff, I’ve probably done it and can show evidence of the work I’ve done in the past. The only thing I don’t really know is any sort of coding/programming.

As your typical late-diagnosis ADHDer, I’m also -particularly- good at process optimisation and have previously broken two businesses productivity bonus schemes for earning more in bonuses than my actual income. I’ve extended this to when I was doing contact welding/fabrication, and helped with some design optimisation that cut labour costs down by 40% for a friends business. I like working quickly, efficiently and if I can gamify it, even better.

I’m just looking at working for somebody where I can do something with my hands for 5-10hrs a week. I’d prefer to work with a smaller business or company, and -hate- micromanagement. Need a guy to weld some stuff? Need a guy to solder a stack of PCB’s? Need a guy to CAD up some designs? I’m that guy.

If you know a business who could use somebody with my skills for a part time job, please let me know!

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I know this was ages ago but keen to chat if you still have spare time on your hands!