Hello from Anna

Hey everyone! My name is Anna.

I’ve joined as I saw the BMS table at a Supanova and asked lots of questions. I think Jaimyn was there. Sounded good. And its easy to get to!

Personal Interests:

  • building stuff
  • making stuff
  • using my hands
  • Fashion Design (for myself and my dolls)
  • Cosplay
  • Fabric. I love really pretty fabric. I might make something with it. Or just enjoy looking at it.
  • Film making, acting.
  • Cake
  • Coffee
  • Cats

Things I want to do/learn at BMS

  • working with wood tools
  • soldering
  • electronics
  • become semi-decent at 3D modelling

I am currently:
A full time Carer for my mum. Who has PSP (a degenerative form of Parkinsons). I live with her and my brother (who has never lived outside of home, whereas I have lived in many places for many years). Previously long term public servant that was made redundant (Actually unlawful termination). Workplace was so toxic it messed with my body chemistry. Yes I have been to court (twice), no I did not win, “despite overwhelming evidence” to support my case.

Before caring for mum, I was doing work as a Stage Hand, “road crew”.
Though all through working history I have done Sound Design/Operating, and Assistant Stage Managing for Theatre. That job is FUN!

Bachelor Business, AD in Network Engineering
CELTA (Cert of English Language Teaching to Adults)


  • sarcastic sense of humour