Hi I'm Zak Crow

Hey everyone! My name is Zak Crow

I joined recently as a friend of Jaimyn Mayer

Personal Interests Are
-creative writing about a cult of crows and ravens, and the God they worship.
-making wooden training swords for japanese martial arts.
-resin casting.
-wire trees/jewell trees.
-making small wooden boxes/jewellery boxes.
-wood and resin, war hammer, mallet things.
-other random stuff like boxing and blacksmithing
-et al.

Things I want to do/learn at BMS
-i would love to develope more social media/self promotion skils, to help my crow cult fly!!
-I would love to develope more skills in woodworking also.
-helping people scheme and plan projects is something i really love doing. So reach out and see if i can help you plan a project. So long as it doesnt involve a computer we will be fine!

I am currently:
Iā€™m on a disabilities suport pension for mental health reasons. Most people dont realise untill we are knee deep in getting to know eachother. Which i take as compliment. I have a life, a personality, and an illness. I dont confuse them.

Zero! I make cool stuff. See it, believe it, qualify me to the degree that my stuff impresses your opinion, or not! I enjoy getting along with people despite mismatched opinions.

I look forward to meeting you around BMS soon!