Sawdust Sessions

Come to the SAWDUST SESSION! - The woodshops first group meeeting!

Everyone is invited (particuraly those wanting to make sawdust) at 730pm, monday the 4th of March in the woodshed (the area some times known as the basement).

We will have discussions about wood, and how to make sawdust with various kinds of equipment. Other subject might inlcude brainstorming for small project members new to woodwork can do to learn how to use equipment, we can discuss inductions, safety concerns, where to source wood, etc.

If you have any topics for discussions you can raise them here, to help give us an agenda for the meeting. And if you have any further questions you can ask me here :slight_smile:

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Hey crew,

I think it would be good to go over general expectations for the site downstairs as we get more people involved. Respecting each others space, leaving the place tidy and generally not “taking the piss” as our fearless leader loves to say. For me this would involve discussing some expectations for the cnc, how long we should be on it before posting online that you’ll be doing a long job in advance to respect the tool and others time.

I think storage policies/rulles need to be established as an expedient way of making the woodshend accessable.

Now we have a vacuum cleaner to clean up mess made from working, i feel we need to work out how to store projects that people are working.

Hi All!! The first Sawdust Session is on tonight in the woodshop! 7:30pm

Ill be here from early, so if you have any questions about projects, how to make them, how to get started, how the inductions work, woodshops tooling, infrastructure, inductions, etc then feel free to hit me up!

No need to be shy, i am very happy to work with people who know more than me, or arent specificaly sure what wood is or where it comes from (inside tip, wood come from trees).

I always enjoy skemeing with people and their projects and working out how to get projects done.

The woodshop is also becommjng quite acessable, in that you dont need a whole induction if you just need to cut a stick of wood. I am very happy to do small jobs.

Inductions will be running soon. The plan is to reshuffle the woodahop, then do inductions. Because it can be very confusing to do an induction then have to work it out when the shop has been turned around.

See you soon!

Hi All

At out 1st sawdust session we discussed

  1. New lay out of the woodshop, including safe and practical lay out of messy of dangerous machines

  2. Dates of doing the reshuffle for the lay out being the 23rd and or 24th of march. The exact dates will be confirmed closer to that time.

  3. Safety equipment we need… 4 x face sheilds for the lath, extra eye protection, ear muffs opposed to ear plugs x 4 due to ease of use and risk of ear protection

  4. Inductions and the conditions around inductions. Ie, support after inductions is unconditional. Any body with any range skill or familiarity with a tool will have access to support in person or online to opperate a tool always.
    I would rather “baby sit” and “hand hold” anyone than risk an injury of any kind.

The above PPE as discussed in the meeting is in process of being ordered!

As well as the chisels and precission files.

As discussed. safety gear is comming in tomorrow, more eye protection and ear muffs.

The precession files, small chisels, aprons and face shields will have to be bought on another monthly budget

Hey Team,

Would like to confirm the discussed booking details for the CNC now that Round 1 Inductions are completed.


Jedd D

Awesome news Jed! Let me know when the next line of inductions are up.

Plus feel free to create a forum channel in the woodwork umbrella specificaly for cnc work and discussions.

It would be epic to see all the work and discussions about the cnc in one place. That way everyone could easily see the time and all the hard work that goes into running that beast!