Machine maintenance


We need people capable of doing machine maintenance. People with a back ground of engineering, or hands on experience with maintaining or repairing machines would be preferable. I can make the sawdust, but my mechanical knowledge is zero.

Firstly, one of the table routers needs assembly. If some one could take owner ship of that, it would resolve a big problem for me, and increase our machining abilities massively.

To be clear, if you can do something some times, thats great, if you want to take ownership of a machine thats great too. We support volunteers having a great time, not burning out.

If a machine needs parts, then the woodshop has a discretionary budget, you will be able to give me a list and i can get it paid for and ordered etc.

If there are any takers or questions, drop a comment here so we can have a discussion about it :grinning:

Hey Zak,

Happy to help out. I’m a qualified mechanic and otherwise great with machines and tools. Would you like to let me know when you’re in next do you can show me what you need done, and how you’d like things set up?

That sounds epic. I’ll be in monday evening from about 5 oclock onward. Why dont we catch up then and discuss maintenance of the machines?

We have another Dan, unless you’re the same Dan and i am confised, who will look at assembling a table router. So at the least if you both get some work on that done that would be epic.

So perhaps we can keep in touch and you can be one of our general maintenance guys?

Also never feel “oh we need a bolt, i guess this machine is screwed now”. Worst case scenario, you buy a bolt, give me the receipt and your bank details, and the treasurer will reinburse you. So you will litteraly have the support to get your job done :slight_smile:

Does all that sound good to you?

Different Dan! But the more the better I say.

This is brilliant! I will have two Dans doing the same jobs! No matter which one i talk to, i will get it right!! Hahaha!!!

The Dans will get err done.

I’ll come around next week at 5 :slight_smile:

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Hey Dan

Do you use discord much?

If you can add woodshop maintenance to your name /tag that would be epic! :grinning:

Hey buddy,

Are you happy for me to list you as part of the woodshop team on rhe forum?

Hey Zak,

Sure, sounds good.

Hi Dan

I won’t be in today due to illness, but I’ll be in next week monday.

You’re welcome to work on the table router if you want. It is the mess at the back end of the middle bench :grinning:

Hi Dan

Are you aavailable next monday?

I would love to discuss installing an e stop on the table router, if possible :slight_smile: