The sawdust shuffle

Hi All!!

We are having a reshuffle of the woodshed on the 23rd and or the 24 of march. Date and times will be confirmed claser to the date.

Benches, equipment, machines and other artifacts of the woodshed will be moved around in to their final resting positions.

The aim is to make the safest use of the space, and the most efficient use of the space, so that all machines are acessible for at approximately 2 or 3 users at a time.

Aside from me and Jed, we need 2 or 3 volunteers, for probably 2 hours work. For new members, this is a great way to meet new people and integrate with BMS

Most of the work is a no brainer. We have a mud map that can we shared with all. Most of the work is light but some of the machines have moderate weight. However its not a cross country run. It is picking up a machine, turning around and putting it on the bench behind you.

Comment here so i can keep you filled in with securing dates and time!

This is a really important event! Because once everything has been settled into ints final place i will start running inductions on equipment!! Further news on inductions in another post.

Hi Zac,

Happy to lend a hand, currently free both days.


Excellent! We will keep in touch and move some stuff!!

Hi All

On the 23rd or the 24th, which ever date we decide is best, i will need help moving a 1.5meter long bench a lathe into the woodshed, from my home in nundah 10 to 15 mins max from BMS.

Comment here if you can help, and on which day. Getting all the machines acessable (not in my carport), and set up is very important for the final lay out if the shop. It is likely we will set the date around that, due to its importance.

Thanks All!!

Always happy to help transport stuff. Let me know what weekend you want it to happen and we can work it out. :slight_smile:

Excellent! The weekend if the 23rd and 24th. Is eitherday better for you than the other?


This is when we will reorientate everything in the room into a safe, and accesible set up.

Put you hands up so we know whos comming and when to cap it, 3 to 4 people would be perfect. But put your hand up here before it gets capped!

It involves basic moving of equipment from one side of the room to the other and the draging of some benches. It should only be a 2 hour job, 3 at the most if we chatter alot. However chatter is encouraged as a great way to get to know your fellow BMS members! :grinning:

Hi All!!

The Sawdust Shuffle is on this Saturday! 23rd March! 10:00

We will be moving benches and equipment around the basement, into their final resting positions. This will creat the final layout of the woodshop!!

Which will be awesome!

I’m looking for 3 or 4 people to help out. The work should only take 2 or 3 hours. It will take more or less time depending on how much time we spend chatting.

These events are really good for new members to meet one another and blend in with existing members. They are also great for getting a feel of the equipment we have available and the culture of bms.

The work involve moving a bench from one side of the room to the other, setting it up with appropriate equipment. Reorienting one bench into 2 benches, moving the cnc, and doing a small tip run. A mud map does exist for these moves. But I’ll be on site for the entirety of the working bee to give direction.

The sawdust shuffle is complete!

All we need now is a tip run, and double checking the power supplies.

The odd machine needs an emwrgency stop, or some asembly other wise everything looks great! Il confirm everything soon with fresh eyes, and work out what we can run inductions on etc.

Thanks to our gracious volunteers!
-Jed! For sorting out the cnc
-Alister! For doing epic grunt work
-Dan! For figuring out various problems.
-everyone for being cool team players :slight_smile:

It could not have been done without you!
Thank you heaps!